Monday, September 19, 2011

Pacific Grove and 17 Mile Drive

Sept 19th

Another gorgeous day! No clouds and it’s expected to get up to 85. A working day for me. After spending the morning getting our photos arranged and uploaded I put in two hours on the blog. Next was a good wash for the car and vacuum inside, wash the bikes and get them set up for riding and a little tlc for the coach. Tina spent the morning relaxing with her book while I was outside. There’s not much else to do at this particular RV Park.

The Start of 17 Mile Drive - Shepherd's Knoll
Around 2:00 PM, when I came in and took a quick shower, we decided to take a drive and visit the Monarch Butterfly Research Station in Pacific Grove. So we grabbed the dogs and their leashes and left for the afternoon. Tina had been online and decided to get to Pacific Grove (just west of Monterey) by taking the 17 Mile Drive, a privately owned road (Pebble Beach Corporation) that winds through the Monterey Peninsula. 

Basically a loop road running between Carmel and Pacific Grove, 17 Mile Drive is one of the best know things to do in this area. We made our entrance just north of Carmel at the junction of Hwy 1 and Hwy 68. About a mile from Hwy 1 we came to an entrance gate where we paid an entrance fee and received a map of the area and guide book showing 21 points of interest ranging from a sweeping view of Monterey Bay from Shephard’s Knoll to the Lodge at Pebble Beach.

Headed for the Monarch Grove
Our drive took us along the inner, wooded portion of the drive through many private communities and past several golf courses. We exited near the lighthouse at Monterey Bay in Pacific Grove. With Tina navigating we found the Monarch Grove Sanctuary ( and parked in the shade, no dogs allowed. The grove of large Cyprus trees is home to over 25,000 Monarch Butterflys while they overwinter on their journey from Mexico into central and northern US and back again. Unfortunately we are too early by about a month and the sanctuary was closed to the public.

Downtown Pacific Grove
Looking towards Monterey
Darn! Okay, well since we’re in PG, let’s drive through town and work our way down to the shoreline drive. PG has created a continuous bicycle/walkway, basically a strip park along the shore that wraps around the entire water side of the city and is accessible at numerous points. We parked at the eastern end of the park and took the dogs out for a walk. Tina took some pictures then we continued west along the shoreline and around the point until we picked up the next leg of the 17 Mile Drive.

This is Seal Rock - Home to Sea Lions, Harbor Seals and all maner of sea birds
We actually made about 15 different pullouts to stop and take photos, this is a very rugged and beautiful shoreline with lots of wildlife. One of our stops was at Seal Rock, home to a huge population of California Sea Lions and Harbor Seals. Located about a quarter mile off shore, seal Rock rises about 75 feet above the sea and was covered all the way to the top with these large animals. The sound of that many seals congregated in such a small area was truly loud. 

Capturing photos of Sea Otters
This is really relaxed dining!
Right next to Seal Rock was Bird Rock, a smaller version of volcanic stone that is home to large populations of Cormorants, Gulls and Brown Pellicans. And yes, they are noisy too. While we were watching the sea lions splash about in the water just off Seal Rock, Tina spotted some sea otters cavorting in the water just off shore. We took our time and climbed down over the rocks from the parking area to the beach to get closer. The otters were probably less than 100 feet from us. We stood there and watched them for half an hour as they would disappear from the surface, go to the bottom for a bite to eat, return to the surface, roll over on their backs and daintily devour their snack.

One of the Holes at Pebble Beach
Returning to the car we were back on route passing Spyglass Hill Golf Course, and another half dozen unique points of interest including the famous Pebble Beach Golf Course. By now it was starting to get late. We continued to the end of the drive and exited into the north side of Carmel a block away from where we had been three days ago. Deciding to stop for dinner we went into town and parked just off Ocean Blvd and walked to Le St Tropes, a marvelous little French Café ( 

Tina started with a fresh watermelon salad while I had a Caesar Salad.  This was followed by a Veal Osso Buco (Brazed Veal Shank) on a bed of Risotto with steamed vegetables for Tina while I had Blue Crab and Spinach on Linguine with Pesto sauce. Wow! The presentations were stunning and the food delicious! We were too full for desert but would recommend the place to anyone.

By now its after 7:00 PM and the kids haven’t had their dinner so we headed home and got there  in fifteen minutes flat. With the kids fed and walked Tina set to with the cameras to download and edit photos while I read and watched tv. Another great day on the road with Mike and Tina!

To see all our photos go to:

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