Thursday, December 4, 2008

Santa Margarita to Buelton

We finally rolled out of bed around 8:00 in the morning to find that we were enveloped in a very chilly fog. We had planned to go for a bike ride early but decided to wait until it warmed up. Finally at 10:00 we had to take the dogs for their after breakfast walk. I had the bikes down and all ready to go for when we got back from our walk. Unfortunately, by the time we got back we were so cold we decided to bag it... it was still in the 40's and foggy.

While I got the bikes back on their mount Tina got the rig ready to go. We hooked up the car and by 11:00 were on the road. Ten miles later at Hwy 101 the sky was blue, the sun was out and we had to put on sun glasses. Eighty miles later we pulled into the Flying Flags RV Resort in Buellton and got set up in our spot. After a spot of lunch we put on our bathing suits and headed for the pool. It was over 70 and nice and warrrrmm!! A quick dip in the pool, into the hot tub and then a relaxing lounge in the sun with our books. What a diference from this morning!! This leg, 70 miles. Trip total is 1,226.

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