Monday, April 26, 2010

Quiet Time In The Hemet Heat I

Sunday the 25th

Warm, warm, warm.... Ahhhhhh, so nice. Mostly we spent the day with our books, a short bike ride and oh, yes, hunting for a runnaway dog.

Seems Tina was walking the two girls and dropped the leashes so they could run back to to the coach. Unfortunately, just as they got to the steps Punky flushed a rabbit. Zooooommm, off she went trailing her leash, trying to bring down the cute little bunny. Tina dashed in and said she couldn't find her, so here we are, walking up and down the street calling, "Punky, where are you." Nothing.

So out on the bikes we went. Same thing. I came back to the coach just in case she came back. No luck. By this time we'd been looking for half an hour. Then I heard a faint yip, yip, from somewhere behind the rig. Walking back behind our site I came out on the street behind us and ran into a couple who thought they had heard something, but couldn't tell which direction it came from. I heard something behind me and started in that direction.

Finally I spotted two eyes looking out from under a hedge. There she was with her leash all tangled up around the roots and trunk of the bush. I unwound her leash and got her out of the bush and out to the street where I thanked the couple for their help. Then we walked back to the rig and found Tina coming back. She was very happy to see the little scamp, but now, with so many rabbits around, they won't be allowed to run free.

Other than that it was a pretty quiet day.

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