Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A/C Service and Bird Watching

Tuesday the 8th

Ahhhh well, our vacation days are over. Today we had an A/C Service tech out to service our A/C unit in hopes of removing a pervasive musty smell. Instead we ended up deciding to replace our 21 year old unit with a new, more efficient one. It’s coming tomorrow morning. We also were able to get a Duct cleaning company out to clean the A/CC ducts and also the dryer duct. By the time they left it was 1:20 PM so we decided to take a quick run out to Alligator Alley and do a little bird watching.

We headed out Tamiami Trail towards Everglades City and on past the intersection with Hwy 29 another seven miles to the Turner River.

Pulling off into the small park we got out of the car and walked over to the boardwalk. The place was crowded with people so we were hopeful for some good sightings. Surprisingly, the only thing to see was an eight foot alligator pulled up on the bank below the boardwalk. Of birds there were none.

So we got back in the car and headed out into the swamp along Turner River Rd hoping to do better. We saw a stork, what was probably a night heron, a single great blue heron and a king fisher. We drove along the river bank for a couple of miles but only saw alligators and some fish jumping out of the river. It was kind of disappointing since the last time we were here there were simply hundreds of birds of all kinds.

Oh yeah, before leaving the Turner River, Tina spotted several Water Moccasins. One on the river bank, on just crossing the road and one just hanging out on the road. This one she got out and took a couple of photos. It wasn't very happy and gave her a big mouth as she got set to take a picture. It kind of made me nervous since we were both in sandals and you really don't want to be bitten by one of these bad boys.
We turned around and made the run back to Hwy 29 where we turned north for the twenty mile drive to I-75, then turned west for the thirty mile run in to Naples for our appointment with Progressive Insurance. Driving along I-75 we watched two big rain clouds absolutely dumping huge torrents of rain on both sides of the freeway about ten miles away, over Naples! We hoped we’d miss them but the weather had suddenly turned ominous.

We arrived for our appointment and learned about all the vagaries of purchasing insurance in Florida versus the purchasing insurance in Washington. Man, we signed and initialed about six sheet of paper just to get insurance for the condo. And at that it’s going to run nearly $1,000 per year. If I can get a Wind Mitigation Inspection Report from the Association we can reduce that by about $275 but what a surprise!

Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound. We finally got everything signed and headed home for dinner. As expected, the rain settled in (it is really needed) and we drove home I a huge rainstorm which kept up off and on for the next several hours. When we got home Tina fixed a quick dinner and we sat down to eat, relax and watch a little TV. That was the end of a very busy day.

To see all our photos, click on:

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