Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 2 in our new condo

Saturday March 26th

Another beautiful day, but being tired, we slept in until 7:30 am. I got up first and made a pot of coffee then Tina got up and we cut up some fruit for breakfast. We spent some time planning our day with assembly of patio furniture the first item on the agenda. First up was a bathroom project. The faucet in the guest bathroom needed to be removed and the hole caulked.

With a screwdriver from my new “Simple Tool Kit” I removed the faucet from the pipe. Using a piece of copper wool, I plugged the hole around the pipe and applied silicone caulk. Back went the faucet on the pipe and I secured it as close to the tile as possible. Then this got a bead of caulk to finish of the job.

Next was the patio furniture. Unwrapping all the pieces we managed to assemble the two chairs and put them in the screened lanai. Then we started in on the small patio table. Ooooopps, a part was missing. Tina volunteered to go back to WalMart while I stayed home to start washing the tile floors.

I had most of the dining room done and was starting on the living room when Tina got back. Turns out they wanted her to bring the whole table back. So we packed things up and back she went while I continued with the floors. I had most of the living room done when she returned. Seems like the people at WalMart couldn’t figure out how to help us. Swap out the whole table or give us the part. Finally they decided to just give us the part we were missing. What a hassle. But at least we could put the thing together.
After finishing the kitchen floor, the rest of the living room and entry hall floor, I decided to call it quits for the day and washed up my buckets and mop towels, put everything away and assembled the table.
With the table complete we put it out on the lanai between the chairs. And of course we had to try them out, perfect! I continued testing the comfort level of the new furniture while Tina started dinner, baked chicken and a nice salad, yummm! After dinner, I washed the dished and cleaned the kitchen (my normal routine, then we watched a little tv while catching a few chapters in our books. Tomorrow will not be all work, we plan to go into town to the International Arts Fair.

To see all our photos, click on:

1 comment:

Don and Diane said...

Methinks "Cinderella" needs a wig to pull off the floor scrubbing disguise. But, no glass slippers on those floors, ever.