Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday the 16th

Wednesday the 16th

Another beautiful day. Up at 7:15 AM, the “Punky” alarm being turned off due to a late night walk, the kids and I went through our usual routine. Turn on the lights in the kitchen, start the coffee, wash, pills, dress, go for our morning walk, return for the kids breakfast, pour my coffee, fix a bowl of cereal, turn on the tube and plop down on the couch to eat. Eventually Tina got up and did her morning routine, of course it’s not as complex as mine, heheheh.

By 9:00 AM we’re ready to go for our bike ride so off we went. Today we made the loop in a little over fifty minutes but Tina thought we may have had some faster lights. Since we ride at an average speed of twelve mph, it’s hard to judge whether we rode faster or got some breaks with the lights. Once our time starts getting below fifty minutes though, I think Tina will be pleased to see that she is improving. Maybe by next Monday. We’ll see…..

After spending time organizing our photos and updating the blog, Tina went to get her hair done while I lazed about, reading, walking the dogs and getting Tina’s cyclecomp mounted on her bike. After dinner we went down to the club house and played Eucher for a couple of hours then called it a night.

Thursday the 17th

Well! Something must be wrong… I woke up on my own at 7:30 AM with Punky still snoozing away. She must have had a rough night, heh, heh! In fact, after getting up and getting ready to go out for a walk I had to go back in the bedroom and pick her up off the bed. Well!! After attaching leashes and going outside, it was apparent that nothing serious was wrong, she promptly led the way down the street and across to the big field next to the airport. That was more like it.

After we got back and everybody had breakfast, Tina and I hopped on the bikes and started our morning ride. While on the bike path in Sugden Park, we saw a bald eagle with a fish in his talons gliding over the lake towards a big pine tree. Riding a little further, Tina discovered him perched on a limb about thirty feet up and less than fifty feet away from us. Must have been his breakfast perch. The fish looked about two feet long and probably weighed close to three pounds.

Anyway, there he sat looking around at us, then losing interest in the watchers he tucked into his morning meal. We watched him eat for a few minutes then continued our ride completing our route in about 55 minutes. This is the same time as yesterday (adjusted for our eagle viewing stop) but Tina actually rode with less effort, so we were pleased.

After we got cleaned up I went down to the pool for a swim and to read in the sun for an hour. Once I got back to the coach we put together our shopping list and went to lunch at “Alice Sweetwater Shrimp and Oysters”. The place was packed, usually a good sign. Turns out the food was good but not spectacular. After lunch we went to Publix and bought a few groceries then returned home.

Later in the afternoon we took the kids for a long walk and spent some time visiting with some of our neighbors. By 4:30 PM we were all done with our outside activities. Fortunately. Fifteen minutes later the thunder, lightning and rain moved in and started to come down in buckets. So we were serenaded with big BOOMS and flashes of LIGHTNING while we ate dinner.

After dinner we watched a little TV, played some cribbage (Tina won as usual, heheheh) and relaxed to the sound of rain on the roof.

No photos today.

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