Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

Sunday the 12th

We got up early, showered, walked the dogs and went to breakfast to celebrate Easter morning. When we got back from breakfast it was another lazy day of relaxing with nice weather and a pleasant setting. Later in the evening I went to “Smoke House Billiards” and shot for a couple of hours on a 9’ Connelly. Shot well but I’ve never played on a table where the pockets had been shimmed so much. The width of the corners were only a little over a ball and a half. You either hit the center or the ball got jawed. Tough table!! But I had fun anyway.

No photos today.

Monday the 13th

Rain, rain, go away. Come again… after we’re gone. Cloudy and cool this morning with a light wind. We left Myrtle Beach about 9:30 AM and headed up to Raleigh, North Carolina. We took a lot of back roads and enjoyed the countryside. Very rural with lots of farmland.

Eventually we got to the outskirts of Raleigh and went to Bill Plemmons RV, where we were going to have the rig serviced. They have a small RV Campground behind their dealership. Since Monday is their day off we found a spot and got set up. Since it was still early we took the car and drove into Raleigh. It’s a very nice town with several distinct districts centered around the Capitol buildings. We spent the afternoon driving around with a stop at WalMart to do grocery shopping then returned to the coach.

No photos today.

Distance for this leg, 135 miles. Total for the trip, 6,002 miles.

Tuesday the 14th

Rained heavy again last night. After a quick breakfast we got the rig squared away, disconnected from power & water and drove to the service area. After writing up the service ticket, we jumped in the car and headed for downtown to find the visitor center. With several suggestions to visit some museums and art galleries we spent most of the day driving around town, finding a book store, picking up some books, taking the dogs to a dog park and basically waiting to get the rig back. After a late lunch we went back to the shop and while I went in and paid of the bill Tina got the car hooked up and we headed for I-95.

After crossing into Virginia we stopped at a small RV Park called, “Yogi Bears Jellystone Park”. A nice clean camp. We got in about 5:30 PM, set up, walked the dogs, had dinner and gave up for the day. Tomorrow we go to Laura’s place in Prince George just south of Richmond.

No photos today.

Distance for this leg, 95 miles. Total for the trip so far, 6,097 miles.

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