Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fooza At Cirque Du Soleil

Friday the 19th

Got up this morning to a light sea mist and heavy dew on the grass. I had to get a dog towel and wipe the kids feet before coming back in the coach from our morning walk.

We were going to go up to "Old Town" but Tina's still not feeling well. Since Old Town was we decided to just spend the day relaxing and see if she would feel better later. We had tickets for the 8 o'clock performance of Cirque du Soleil's "Kooza"( They were an early birthday present from Tina and I really wanted her to be able to enjoy the show with me.

With the dinner dishes done and the kitchen clean by 6:00 PM it was time to go. According to the news I-5 was pretty much jugged up so we decided to leave a little early. The performance was at the Fairgrounds in Del Mar, about 30 miles north of Chula Vista. We got on the freeway at "J" Street and surprise, surprise, the bad traffic was only in the southbound lanes.

We flew through San Diego and arrived at the fairgrounds around 6:40 PM. Since we couldn't get in until the early show was out we hung around the gates for fifteen minutes. Once inside, we spent some time looking at souvenirs grabbed a cup of coffee and a small table outside our entry into the tent.

The entry to the main tent finally opened and we went in. We were five rows back from the stage, on the right (facing the stage), really great seats!! The clowns worked the crowd and got things going as the tent filled with people. It was packed! The show started on time and we were absolutely enthralled by every one of the acts. Rather than try to describe what we saw, I hope that everybody gets a chance to see a Cirque du Soleil performance. It was wonderful!! There's a show opening June 3rd in Seattle at Marymoore Park. If you are interested, get your tickets now, they sell out fast.

We got home around 11:30 PM and took the kids for a walk then headed to bed. Tina did have a great time so it all worked out well, except she lost her voice.

No photos today.

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