Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day Two in San Angelo

Oct 12th

It took all morning to do the photos and catch up the blog, so we decided to stay another day and go to BBQ this evening for dinner.

“Packsaddle BBQ” was only a few blocks away and it had a four star rating so we were looking forward to some good eats! We got there around 6:00 PM and the place was packed. It’s a really small restaurant with a simple menu and nothing fancy. 

We ordered some deep fried stuffed Jalapenas for a starter (small portion was 5 big ones) followed by Ribs and Brisket and warm Apple and Peach Cobbler with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream for dessert.

The Ribs were big and meaty but not as tender as they should have been, the same for the brisket. But we got a lot of food and it was pretty tasty (especially desert)! 

We left stuffed like the Jalapenas and returned to the coach to try and let things settle down. All in all we had a relaxing day and were ready to get on the road for Memphis.

No photos today.

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