Friday, October 14, 2011

Mingus to Caddo Mills

Oct 14th

With the sun coming up later and later every day we seem to be sleeping in later. This morning it was 7:40 AM before I got up to shake off the night and take the girls out for their morning constitutional.  It was interesting to look up toward the freeway and see the sun flashing off the sides of the big semis as they drove by even though the sun wasn’t visible from the campground.

When we got back and they had their breakfast I checked the temperature. Oh man… it was only 60 degrees inside so I flipped the switch from “Cool” to “Heat” so Tina could be comfortable when she got up. We had washed all the bedding yesterday evening but our small washer/dryer combo just isn’t big enough to dry everything thoroughly so we had spread out the blanket and sheets to air dry overnight. As soon as that was all folded and put away we had our breakfast and with a short drive we were able to have a relaxing morning.

Driving through Dallas
By the time we had everything packed up and ready to go it was almost 9:30 AM. We got on I-20 E and headed out for the 137 mile drive to the Caddo Mills KOA just NE of Dallas. The first 80 miles were uneventful and passed quickly. Then we were on the outskirts of Ft Worth. The next 50 miles were like driving from Tacoma to Everett but with more intensity as the edges of the two cities are only a few miles apart. Then combine it with construction, multiple slowdowns, junctions with multiple intersecting freeways… well, you get the picture, white knuckle driving at its finest!

Downtown Dallas
But, by dint of extremely defensive driving, we made it through with only a limited amount of stressful situations. The downtown cores of both cities are quite beautiful and the signage is quite good. Anyway we made it through and out the other side in pretty good time, pulling into the Caddo Mills KOA about 12:30 PM.

On the pad at Caddo Mills KOA
There was no one in the office so we checked the reserved spots and found an open site. Tina took the dogs and walked down to our spot and I followed in the rig so she could guide me in – they’re fairly tight and we had chosen a site with a large shade tree. We got into our site, set up and dropped the car so we could go get lunch and do some grocery shopping.

While we were outside Tina saw about two dozen softball sized fruit lying on the ground underneath the tree across the way. Our neighbor was walking her dog and we stopped to ask if she knew what they were. She only knew that they weren’t edible. I sliced one in half and it oozed a sticky, milky fluid all over my knife. We put the two halves up in the tree and came in to clean my knife. It finally required use of Soft Scrub and ammonia to get it clean.

Osage Orange

After looking it up on the web it turned out to be an Osage Orange also known as a Bois d'arc, or Horse Apple. Before the invention of barbed wire in the 1880's, many thousands of miles of hedge were constructed by planting young Osage Orange trees closely together in a line. The saplings were aggressively pruned to promote bushy growth. "Horse high, bull strong and hog tight." Those were the criteria for a good hedge made with Osage Orange. Tall enough that a horse would not jump it, stout enough that a bull would not push through it and woven so tightly that even a hog could not find its way through!

Once we found out what they were we got in the car and jumped on the freeway. We pulled off at the next exit and drove to “Bakers Ribs” another small BBQ joint. Tina had some pretty good ribs and I had a pulled pork sandwich that was also very good. After lunch we got back on the freeway and exited at Greenville. After making our way through the road construction we made it into town and found a grocery store.

Fishing Lake and Cabins
On the way home Tina took a short cut that took us through the back roads between Greenville and Caddo Mills. It’s really a very pretty area with many green trees and lots of green  grass along with large plowed fields ready for planting. Once back at the coach we put the grocery’s away and went to the office to register. They have a really nice pool but its only a little above 70 so we decided to just walk around the property. There is a very large fishing lake with cabins along the shore – very nice.

Relaxing on the shore of the fishing lake
Once more back at the coach we decided to call it a day and spend some time relaxing.

Miles for today, 137. Total for the trip so far, 2,956 miles.

To see all our photos, go to:

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