Thursday, November 12, 2009

Juno Beach - Day 4

Wednesday the 11th

The day started off quietly. It rained last night and the weather report said we could expect showers off and on all day. We spent the morning keeping an eye on the weather, checking the online radar for Juno Beach and watching TV. It rained periodically, sometimes coming down in a torrent sometimes in a light mist as the bands of rain clouds passed overhead. It was like that most of the day.

Finally, just after lunch, the weather maps showed a clearing with no rain in the picture. So we decided to go for a quick bike ride. I took the kids for a walk then got the bikes ready to go. We decided to just ride up to the corner and check out the pet store for doggy poop bags. If the weather was still holding up we could extend our ride.

As we rode down the lane from the coach and headed for the shopping center the clouds started to look pretty menacing. We got up to the pet store and Tina went inside while I stayed with the bikes. When she came back out we decided to wait on the bags and go check out the coffee shop at the end of the shopping center.

Pulling out from under the eve by the pet store we had a few rain drops come down. Approaching the end of the parking lot we found the coffee shop/ice cream parlor but decided not to stop. Instead we’d head back to the coach before it really started to come down.

WOW!! What a surprise. As soon as we left the protection of the overhanging eves of the shopping center and got into the parking lot, the sky opened up as if it had been waiting for us. With Tina in the lead, it was a mad dash back to the coach. As soon as we got there Tina grabbed her camera to record our saturated condition. We were soaked.

Thus ended our efforts to get out for a ride. The rest of the day was spent reading and planning for tomorrow.

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