Thursday, November 19, 2009

Starting our stay in Naples

Thursday the 19th

The weather here has been simply marvelous. Cool at night (high 50's) and warm (low 80's) during the day.

Yesterday afternoon we went for a long bike ride, out and around the municipal airport. Then in the evening we went down to the Club House and played Euchre for a couple of hours with fourteen other residents. It was a fun evening.

Today we loaded the bikes on the car and drove through town to a small park along the Gulf shore. From here we rode along a route I found on the internet up to Vanderbuilt Beach and on to Delnor-Wiggens Pass State Park.

Turning around we made the return trip but included a stretch along a bicycle path in front of many beach condo towers. The path is actually a large dike that acts as a barrier in case of storm surge. Lots of birds, fish jumping and even aligators basking in the sun along the side of the berm. Each of the condo towersconnect to the dike with boardwalks and there is a tram service that pickspeople up at various stations and takes them to the various beaches in the area.

We got back to the car, loaded the bikes and took a different route home. Returning to the coach we took the kids for a walk, then it was time to head for the pool to cool off. After a couple of refreshing dips and time to read we returned to the coach and the kids.

Tina is fixing a pork roast for dinner - with saurkraut. Yippeeee!!

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